Contribution Overview

RAIL is a constellation of multiple packages developed publicly on GitHub and welcomes all interested developers, regardless of DESC membership or LSST data rights.

If you’re interested in contributing, but don’t know where to start, take a look at the list of good first issues from all RAIL repositories here. Or, create a new issue here to suggest a change, and the team will route it to the appropriate repository.

In addition to GitHub, the RAIL team uses the LSSTC Slack workspace for organization. Professional astronomers (including students!) based in the US, Chile, or a French IN2P3 institution are encouraged to join the LSST-DESC to gain access to the #desc-pz-rail channel on the LSSTC Slack workspace.

Those without data rights who wish to gain access to the Slack channel should create an Issue to request that the team leads initiate the process for adding a DESC External Collaborator.

Where to contribute: RAIL packages

RAIL functionality is split among several GitHub repositories to make it easier to manage ever-changing dependencies. Most contain the few stages sharing a particular challenging dependency, with the exception of three meta-repositories:

  • rail is the portal for users who want to access all of RAIL’s functionality across all the repositories.

  • rail_base is where the superclasses and underlying infrastructure used by all the standalone repositories are defined.

  • rail_pipelines is a place for users to share the pipelines they build with RAIL so others can call them directly or adapt them to their needs.

Overall, you may find yourself contributing to one or more of these repositories and/or making a new one.

Similar to the installation process, depending on how you want to contribute to RAIL, you will be contributing to one or more of the RAIL packages.

In all cases, begin by following the developer installation instructions Developer Installation and follow the contribution workflow instructions below.

Contribution workflow

The rail and rail_<xxx> repositories use an issue-branch-review workflow, similar to the standard GitHub Flow. We typically use git as our version control tool, there are many resources available online, but here is a nice cheat sheet created by GitHub.


When you identify something that should be done, make an issue for it – the admins can move it to the appropriate repository if necessary, but if you know the specific rail_<xxx> package that the issue applies to, please do make the issue in that repository.


See Developer Installation for installation instructions.

While developing in a branch, don’t forget to pull from main regularly (at least daily) to make sure your work is compatible with other recent changes.

When you’re ready to merge your branch into the main branch, create a pull request (“PR”) in the rail repository you cloned from. GitHub has instructions here.

Several continuous integration checks will be performed for new pull requests. If any of these automatic processes find issues with the code, you should address them in the branch before sending for review. These include unit tests (does the code function correctly), pylint (code style), or coverage (how much code is exercised in unit tests).

Once you are satisfied with your PR, request that other team members review and approve it. You could send the request to someone whom you’ve worked with on the topic, or one of the core maintainers of rail.

TODO what to call branches goes here


Once the changes in your PR have been approved, these are your next steps:

  1. the author merges the change by selecting “Squash and merge” on the approved pull request

  2. enter closes #[#] in the comment field to close the resolved issue

  3. delete your branch using the button on the merged pull request.

If you are making changes that affect multiple repositories, make a branch and PR on each one. The PRs should be merged and new releases made in the following order without long delays between steps: 1. rail_base 2. all per-algorithm repositories in any order 3. rail 4. rail_pipelines This will minimize the time when new installations from PyPI could be broken by conflicts.

Reviewing a PR

To review a pull request, it’s a good idea to start by pulling the changes and running the unit tests locally. If the continuous integration tests have run successfully, there is good hope that the unit tests will run locally as well!

Check the code for complete and accurate docstrings, sufficient comments, and ensure any instances of #pragma: no cover (excluding the code from unit test coverage accounting) are extremely well-justified.

Feel free to mark the PR with “Request changes” for necessary changes. e.g. writing an exception for an edge case that will break the code, updating names to adhere to the naming conventions, etc.

It is also considered good practice to make suggestions for optional improvements, such as adding a one-line comment before a clever block of code or including a demonstration of new functionality in the example notebooks.

Naming conventions

We follow the pep8 recommendations for naming new modules and RailStage classes within them.


Modules should use all lowercase, with underscores where it aids the readability of the module name.

For example:

  • skl_neurnet is a module name for algorithms that use scikit-learn’s simple neural network implementation to estimate p(z)

  • random_gauss is a module name for a p(z) estimation algorithm that assigns each galaxy a random Gaussian distribution

It’s good for the module name to specify the source of the implementation of a particularly common algorithm, e.g. minisom_som and somoclu_som are distinct. Note that these names should not be identical to the name of the package the algorithm came from, to avoid introducing namespace collisions for users who have imported the original package as well, i.e. pzflow_nf is a safer name than pzflow.


RailStages are python classes and so should use the CapWords convention. All rail stages using the same algorithm should use the same short, descriptive prefix, and the suffix is the type of stage.


  • KNearNeighInformer is an informer using the k-nearest neighbors algorithm

  • KNearNeighEstimator is an estimator using the k-nearest neighbors algorithm

Possible suffixes include:

  • Informer

  • Estimator

  • Summarizer

  • Classifier

  • Creator

  • Degrader

  • Evaluator

Contribution Types

We anticipate a few types of contributions, and provide separate instructions for those workflows: